North-Eastern Montessori School is a non-denominational Independent School for students from Early Learning to Year 6, set on a picturesque two hectare campus in St. Helena, Victoria.
We recognise that there are necessary concepts to learn whilst at School, however we treat the curiosity of each child as an equally important component of their learning. Our staff strive to identify the individual abilities of each child, so that they may help to facilitate their holistic study of ideas and concepts rather than distinct subjects.
North-Eastern Montessori Schools’ application of the Montessori Philosophy encourages active engagement in study. We encourage our students to take responsibility for their day to day tasks, helping them become self-reliant, independent individuals.
Each child is encouraged to explore the possibilities of reaching their own potential. We recognise that all students have unique talents and strengths, and we want to ensure that each of our students is able to maximise these positives.
Our curriculum is recognized as an alternative national curriculum framework and is included on the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority’s (ACARA) Recognition Register.
The learning environments at North-Eastern Montessori School are planned and organised to enhance learning in a peaceful and focussed manner, incorporating a three-hour uninterrupted work block.
Everything in each classroom is child-sized and easy to reach, including purpose built kitchen areas to facilitate Practical Life experiences. Care and respect for each other’s needs, work space and the equipment is paramount, students have the opportunity to revisit their learning and continue research projects. The Montessori approach is more than an education method; it is an attitude for life.
Cycle 1 is a three year program for children aged three to six, incorporating three and four year old kindergarten, as well as Foundation (Prep). Our Montessori curriculum is the foundation of learning in Cycle 1, and incorporates the Australian Early Years Learning Framework, alongside the National Montessori Curriculum.
Children up to the age of six possess an ‘absorbent mind’, and research shows that they will learn more in this time that at any other equivalent period throughout life. Maria Montessori observed that children experience sensitive periods, when they are attracted to particular stimuli in the environment, enabling them to easily acquire knowledge and skills. Today researchers identify these as windows of opportunity which occur universally for all children of a similar age.
Our Montessori environment in Cycle 1 is specifically designed to support the optimal development at this critical time. Individual learning is enhanced by the presence of two Montessori trained early learning teachers, who are expert in encouraging independent exploration and discovery with the use of Montessori materials. They enhance and encourage a natural way of learning.
As your child makes the transition from Cycle 1 to Cycle 2 we recognise the developmental differences that begin from around age 6 onwards. There is a continued shift from working with concrete materials towards working with abstract ideas. This in turn empowers your child to be actively engaged in their learning by being independent and exercising choice.
Around this time your child will begin to change in terms of physiological, psychological, social and emotional development. They will develop a reasoning mind, a wide imagination, an intellectual curiosity and a need to identify with the class group.
In acknowledgement of these new needs, Maria Montessori developed Cosmic Education which forms the foundation of the Cycle 2 program, and continues into Cycle 3. Cosmic Education is a holistic and all-encompassing approach to education, with the vision of all the universe being connected and interrelated. This holistic approach continues to foster your child’s social, emotional, intellectual and physical development.
As students make the transition from Cycle 2 to Cycle 3, a more extensive exploration into Cosmic Education facilitates:
* Engagement in the inquiry based learning in Language (including LOTE), Mathematics, Art, Music, History, Geography, Science and Physical Education
* Students are encouraged to ask questions and make proposals for research
* An inclusive approach to education which fosters a feeling of connectedness to all humanity
* The natural desire to make a contribution to the world
Cosmic Education begins in Cycle 2. During Cycle 3 we continue to introduce your child to the repeating natural cycles in our world, and the connectedness of all living things. We show your child how all content areas – history, science, environment – are interconnected. In turn, Cosmic Education ensures that your child is developing as an independent, socially responsible and emotionally intelligent individual, whilst providing them with the academic rigour required for their secondary school experiences, and beyond into tertiary education an adulthood.