Located just 12 kms from the centre of Sydney, Saint Ignatius' College, Riverview is a Catholic, day and full-time boarding school in the Jesuit tradition, educating boys in Years 5-12. The College is fortunate to have spacious grounds covering over 110 acres on picturesque Burns Bay and the Lane Cove River.
Riverview was established by the Jesuits at Lane Cove in Sydney in 1880 and is part of the international network of Jesuit schools. Our aim is to educate students so that they may become young men of competence, conscience and compassion, striving always for excellence in all they do.
Our motto, Quantum Potes Tantum Aude, ‘As much as you can do, so much dare to do’, reflects this central theme of Jesuit education, which insists on individual care and concern for each student. We have developed an academic program and pastoral care system, which enable our boys to reach their full potential as a person of faith, created and loved by God.
At Riverview, teachers and administrators, both Jesuit and lay, are more than just academic guides. They are involved in the lives of the students, taking a personal interest in their intellectual, affective, moral and spiritual development. They guide students in their development of a set of values leading to life decisions that go beyond ‘self’; that include a concern for the needs of others.
Each boy in Years 5–8 belongs to a Homeroom where the teacher in charge is directly concerned with his formation. There are twelve Houses in the College, each House containing approximately 70 boys from Years 9 to 12. Boys remain in the same House during their entire time at the College and develop a special identity with that House and the boys within it.
From Years 9 to 12 boys are under the care of a Housemaster who comes to develop a special relationship with each boy and his family. With this relationship develops mutual trust and respect that will enable the boy to find a genuine companion in learning and growing. Within the House, each boy belongs to a smaller group of about 17 boys, known as a Tutor Group, which enables the senior boys to meet informally with the younger boys and gives them the opportunity to develop leadership skills. It is also made clear to the boys that Housemasters and Tutors are always available for help in academic progress and subject choices, co-curricular involvement, and spiritual development. |
Our Ignatian tradition calls us to enter into solidarity with the poor, the marginalised, and the voiceless, in order to enable their participation in the processes that shape the society in which we all live and work. (GC 34)
Riverview students participate in an Ignatian Service program that requires them to complete 15 hours of service in Years 7–10 and 20 hours in Year 11. By asking our students to engage in the service we are striving to break down barriers of fear and prejudice, reduce the impact of stereotypical images and bring a human face to those in our community who might not normally be seen. The end result of which, are students with an increased awareness of justice in the world who will actively seek to transform it.
The school's liturgical life is an integral part of its identity as a Catholic school. Apart from whole school celebrations, a variety of other liturgical experiences occur on a regular basis throughout the school year.
Major feast days and special events are celebrated across the whole school community from Years 5–12. Student Masses occur approximately twice a term. These are voluntary for Years 9–12 and are usually in excess attended by in excess of 550 students.
A number of non-Eucharistic liturgies are also celebrated at significant times throughout the year. These range in structure and form but are developed with the direction of our Jesuit priests.
We are very privileged here at the College as students, staff parents and local residents are provided with the opportunity to participate daily in the Eucharist.
Jesuit education is concerned with the development of the whole person, therefore at Riverview, sport and other co-curricular activities are seen as key aspects of our boys’ education.
We provide our students with magnificent co-curricular facilities; a good indication of how important the College considers this aspect of the education process to be. The College’s indoor sports facility, the Gartlan Centre, the picturesque playing fields, the O’Kelly Drama Theatre and the Woods Music Centre are integral places in the education of our young men.
The sporting and co-curricular life of the College provides boys with healthy recreation, opportunities to form close friendships with fellow students and teachers and instils the values of working together with others towards a common goal. These activities help to develop the whole person.
Throughout each boy’s time at the College, his Homeroom teacher or Housemaster keeps a record of his sport, co-curricular and community service participation. This provides the basis for regular interviews, references and initiatives to assist the formational development of the student. Members of staff also complete a report for each area of involvement which is included in each boy’s Semester Reports. |
When it was established in 1880, Riverview was open only to boarders. This was retained until the 1920s, when dayboys were accepted into the College. Today, Riverview is currently home to around 330 boarders in Years 7–12. Of these, approximately 75% are country boarders from outside of the Sydney metropolitan area.
The College is a full-time boarding community—we do not offer weekly boarding and all boys who board at the College receive one designated Saturday night leave permissible each fortnight. This helps will community building and enables the boys to be well prepared for their classes on Mondays.
Riverview’s Boarding program aims to provide boarders with a second home, in a family environment. Boarders are grouped horizontally according to age groups, known as Divisions, and are housed in three Boarding Houses: Charles Fraser House (Years 6, 7 & 8), Saint John’s House (Years 9 & 10), and Kevin Fagan House (Years 11 & 12). Each Division Master and his family live in accommodation attached to the division, helping to create a family atmosphere. Boys have access to some state-of-the-art facilities: an on-site Infirmary is staffed by qualified nurses around the clock and the College Doctor is present in the surgery every lunch time; The Gartlan Indoor Sports Centre includes an eight lane 25 metre heated swimming pool, two basketball courts, extensive weights room and a multi-purpose indoor cricket area; the Christopher Brennan Library, constructed in 2008, is open each week night for study; and the Woods Music Centre is open each week night for lessons or practice.
We encourage all prospective families who may be interested in Boarding at Riverview to contact the Director of Boarding, Mr Guy Masters, for a personalised tour by phoning 0417 216 857.